Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Complete Memoir of Peter Kleinmann of Munkacs

There has been a good addition to the Museum's ongoing and evolving exhibition "Walk in my Shoes: Collected Memories of the Holocaust."

You can now read the complete memoirs of Holocaust survivor Peter (Dezider) Kleinmann, who was born in 1925 in the small village of Kustanovice, about a one hour walk from the city of Mukacevo (aka Munkacs, Hungary; Mukacevo, Czechoslovakia; Mukachevo, Soviet Union; today Mukacheve, Ukraine).

Peter writes about:

Jewish communal life in Munkacs
The rise of anti-Semitism during Hungarian occupation
The Munkacs ghetto
Existence in the concentration camps Auschwitz, Gross-Rosen and Flossenburg
The Death March

There are a good number of photos included, both of family, scenes around towns, a sanitorium in Switzerland, and also of the camps.

You can begin to read his memoirs at

More about Peter Kleinmann, including video testimony, will be made available to you sometime this year once the Museum's "World War II and the Holocaust" section has been augmented and made ready for viewing.

The submission of more such memoirs to the virtual Museum of Family History are also welcome and will be considered for inclusion within the Museum's "Walk in My Shoes" online exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. I just read the Kleinmann memoir in its entirety.
    He mentions the Adlers, and I wonder if he knew MY family, the Adlers, who lived in Munkach.
    Is there any way to find out?
    Thank you.
    Preeva Adler Tramiel
