For those of you who are Vishnevets, Ukraine researchers, you might like to visit my "Landsmanshaftn in America" page on Vishnevets. Vishnevets is located in Western Ukraine (see photo). The Vishnevets webpage contains a partial listing of members of the Chicago Vishnevets landsmanshaftn society, cir 1930s. There are about thirty-five names there, though these weren't all the members of the society. There is another list somewhere that has many more, and hopefully I'll receive this second list and add it to the one currently online.
To view this list, visit the main exhibition page
here and click on the "enter" link at the end of the introductory text. Then on the Table of Contents page click on the page name listed under Vishnevets. As a bonus, you will also find what presumably is their contact (home) address at the time.
I would love to know if you ever found the larger list of members of the Chicago Vishnevets group. My family came from there and lived in Chicago as well. I am hoping I might find something about them. They also lived in the suburbs of Boston. Do you know if there were any Landmanshaftn the