Wednesday, September 16, 2009

L'Shana Tova to All!

To all those who subscribe to the Museum's blog, to all those who follow the evolution of the Museum of Family History, to all my fellow Jews, I want to wish you and your family a most joyous and healthy New Year. L'Shana Tova!

I hope that this coming year brings you new revelations as you pursue your quest to gain a greater understanding of your family's history. May each memory of your family be a loving one and everlasting!

On a personal note, I am often amazed how much more interesting and relevant history seems--particularly world history--when it's seen through the eyes and experiences of our relatives, our ancestors.

Being the main force behind the Museum, I've found a great bit of perspective as I've worked these several years on the Museum of Family History website. With each piece of research I do, with each photo I see and piece of text I read, with each interaction I have with people like yourselves who are also interested in Jewish history, I become more aware of the history of both Western civilization and of the Jewish people. I realize how events can be interrelated (often unexpectedly so) and somehow connected in one great nexus.

Thank you all for your kind words this past year and your encouragement. Thank you for any material you might have sent me that has helped increase the content and quality of my site.
After several years of consideration and development (though still a work-in-progress), I have managed to create several imaginative floor maps for my virtual museum; I've increased its interactivity by making available a greater number of sound and video clips for your pleasure.

May this next year be the best one for both you and for the Museum!

Steven Lasky
Founder and Director
The Museum of Family History

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